Other Resources

On this page we will strive to list links that could take you to new people, places, products, reports, even the possibilities of new ways of thinking!

We take no responsibility in the content of these links, nor do we endorse the ideas or products. We just like to spread information - one can never get enough information!!!

Here is a Pilates mat that is big enough to be perfect for under your Sauna Dome! It's nice and cushy to lie on, the upper portion of the dome will roll easily on this surface, and it's easily sanitized. These folks also have a great spray mat disinfectant. Here is the direct link to the Pilates mat http://www.matsmatsmats.com/yoga/pilates-mat.html

Here is more information and more links than you can ever imagine! This one should keep you busy until we have time to put up more links!

Essential Oils (over 140, unadulterated, 100% botanical oils, GC tested to ensure authenticity), lots of aromatherapy information, education, GC testing.

Herbal info, suppliers, education, books, links, and way-more!

Brassica Teas with SGS
The Next Generation Antioxidant

What is SGS?

* Reputable scientists world-wide are now studying this remarkable compound and its antioxidant properties found in broccoil (Brassica).

* Brassica Teas are the only teas with SGS available, and are patented and licensed by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Don't Worry -- teas with SGS do not taste like broccoli!

Artist owned and independent since 1979!
Specializing in music for Healing, Relaxation, Yoga, Massage and World.
Free audio samples and flash presentations.
Soundings of the Planet co-founders, Dean and Dudley Evenson, are pioneers in the field of healing music. Their inspiring music of flute, harp and natural sounds which has been used in hospitals, healing centers, prisons, schools and spiritual centers to support people's healing or life process. When the Evensons aren't tending their garden and creating music and multimedia projects at home in the Cascade Mountains of northwest Washington, they are 'on the road' sharing their music and offering workshops on music and healing. I first met these folks at the Massage Therapy Conferences that I attend every spring. They are magical, and so is their music. My music library growth......

Tree Frog Farm

Hop into the realm of healing with flower essences, aromatherapy and herbs lovingly grown in partnership with Nature at Tree Frog Farm!
Green Blessings,
Diana Pepper & John Robinson

Top Massage Sites

For Massage Therapists or for those of you who want to know more about massage therapy, here is a site that has some interesting articles and resources.

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